Cornwall Living

A coastal walk around Mount’s Bay

Cornwall Wildlife Trust’s new Mount’s Bay Marine Trail, an exciting and educational coastal walk, has something for everyone!

Mount’s Bay is a stunning area of Cornwall, rich in fascinating natural history, marine heritage and marine life. The island of St Michael’s Mount is surrounded by a 12km² Marine Conservation Zone which is home to many habitats, including lush seagrass beds, where rare beauties such as the stalked jellyfish and giant goby can be found. The new marine trail was funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund and is the culmination of Cornwall Wildlife Trust’s local ‘Your Shore’ group-project activities in the area. It runs along the iconic coast path between Newlyn and Marazion and is accessible to cyclists, dog walkers and wheelchair and mobility scooter users.

Start the trail at Newlyn

Beginning at the Newlyn fisherman statue, the trail allows you to explore the fascinating geological story of the bay. Said to have once been the site of a prehistoric forest now covered by the sea, an information board and animated video depict young people’s creative response to the idea of these lost forests. Next, you can learn about the tidal observatory at Newlyn and take part in some community science before surveying the bay for migrating birds and megafauna such as whales and dolphins with a pair of ‘Wonders of the Sea’ binoculars.

Wander around the Jubilee Pool

Walk around the iconic Jubilee Pool to Battery Rocks and go on a rockpool ramble to discover some weird and wonderful wildlife, before visiting the sub-tropical St Anthony’s Garden to learn about the flora on St Michael’s Mount. There is also the opportunity to take in the wooden sculptures along the Gwelen Trail, site-specific artwork for Mount’s Bay by award-winning artist Emma Smith and residents of West Penwith, before doing your bit for nature by taking part in a two-minute beach clean.

Finish with a trip to St Michael’s Mount

During the last section of the trail, you can visit the largest reed bed in Cornwall at Marazion Marshes, learn about one of Cornwall’s most precious marine habitats, the bay’s incredible seagrass meadows, and finish up with a visit to the famous St Michael’s Mount.

If exploring the coast and all that inhabits it sounds like the perfect way to enjoy the Cornish landscape, perhaps it’s time that you got out there and began your own adventure!