Cornwall Living

A Fresh Start

Providing essential support to struggling families with young children across Cornwall, Home-Start Kernow needs our help.

Although Cornwall is a beautiful and much-visited county, there are huge areas of deprivation and it is one of the poorest areas in Europe. With a booming tourist industry and breathtaking landscapes, it is sometimes hard to imagine anything but an idyllic life here. Yet, low wages, seasonal employment, lack of housing and high rentals are driving economic deprivation in parts of our county, with one in five children in Cornwall living in poverty.

Home-Start Kernow works with families who are literally making a choice to heat their home or to put food on the table, and they believe that no family should have to live this way. The rising cost of living is putting families who were already struggling with their mental health under immense strain and Home-Start Kernow wants to be there to help them.

The charity works to ensure that families in Cornwall, with a child under five, have access to the support they need to give their child the best possible start in life. Whatever the challenge, they want to empower families to overcome their challenges and find joy in their parenting relationship. Help is given through one-to-one home-visits where a trained volunteer is ‘matched’ with a local family to support them on a weekly basis. As well as one-to-one support, Home-Start Kernow also has a county-wide group offer where families can attend a weekly group where they have the opportunity to meet friends, grow in confidence and access community- based support, as well as referrals to other organisations as needed.

Home-Start Kernow’s work creates opportunities for parents to work alongside each other and offers peer-to-peer support on the parenting journey, so reducing isolation, improving mental health and creating better outcomes for children across Cornwall. One family said: “It doesn’t matter what your background is, parenting is hard. My volunteer listens to me lets me share my story and helps me to unload a mental burden that I carry. I will be forever grateful for Home- Start Kernow and what they have provided for me and my children.”

Help is free to families who need it and it’s Home-Start Kernow’s intention that this support always remains accessible and cost free.