A groundbreaking alternative
We speak with Consultant Urologist at Duchy Hospital, Mr Matthew Hotston about an innovative new procedure for men.
Over half of men over the age of 50 will develop troublesome urinary symptoms that affect their quality of life, according to Mr Matthew Hotston, Consultant Urologist at Duchy Hospital. These include frequent trips to the toilet, getting up at night to empty their bladder and reduction in the stream of urine flow. As a consequence, men tend to significantly alter their daily lifestyle, often stopping drinking in the evening, avoiding long-distance travel and avoiding places where there is no toilet. Similarly, the disturbance in sleep results in many feeling fatigued during the day.
“UroLift is a safe and effective alternative…”
For most men, the cause is an enlarged prostate gland and for Mr Hotston, this is now one of the most common referrals he receives. For men with minor symptoms, simply changes in lifestyle may be all that’s required, however for those with more bothersome symptoms, the options are regular lifelong medication or invasive surgery. Medication can be effective but unfortunately it can lead to significant side effects, such as reduced libido and erection/ejaculation problems. In addition, a significant proportion of men will still require surgery.
The traditional surgical operation is the trans-urethral-resection of prostate (TURP). This involves a long general anaesthetic, whereby the internal part of the prostate gland is ‘cored out’. After the operation, a bladder tube (catheter) is placed and the patient stays for two nights in hospital. The risks include bleeding, scar tissue, formation and erection/ejaculation problems. There is a new, minimally invasive, daycase procedure called the prosthetic urethral lift (UroLift) which has has recently been approved by NICE in the UK. It involves a short anaesthetic whereby tiny implants are placed into the prostate gland, drawing the lobes of the gland apart to improve the flow of urine. Patients leave hospital on the same day, with no need for a catheter. Mr Hotston explains: “The research shows excellent results in symptom improvement, early return to daily activities and no erection/ejaculation complaints.”
UroLift is a safe and effective alternative for men who do not wish (or are unable) to take medication for their urinary symptoms, or require surgery but want to avoid the potential associated risks. Mr Hotston is the first to offer this state-of-the-art procedure at Duchy Hospital”.
Discover More
Mr Hotston will be giving a talk about the symptoms, causes of an enlarged prostate and new treatments available for prostate problems on
Thursday 14th June, 6pm
Book online or call 0800 917 0022 and quote ‘Cornwall Living’
The UroLift procedure is available on a private basis at Duchy Hospital and costs £4,530. Interest-free finance is available, subject to terms and conditions, should you prefer to spread the cost.
"UroLift is a safe and effective alternative..."