A place to call home
Being a taxi service, muddy footprints through the house, dirty plates hidden in a bedroom, Lego under a bare foot – ouch! Fostering isn’t always pretty, but it’s pretty amazing!
At any one time, there are 30 children and young people in Cornwall who need a safe place to call home; that home could be yours. You could be single, live in a flat or rent your property – you don’t need to be married and have a three bedroom detached house to foster! All you need to be a fosterer is to provide a place of comfort and stability for a child who needs a roof over their head and a little love and care.
Fostering provides a safe and secure home for children who cannot live with their own parents. Often, this is on a temporary basis whilst parents seek assistance in amending their circumstances. Other children stay in foster care permanently, some are fostered and some move on to live independently. There are different types of fostering, from short-term emergency placements, to providing a short break for a family, as well as permanent placements, with plenty of options to suit your working life.
The children range in age from newborn right up to teenagers, and some are sibling groups. Keeping siblings together means they can support each other and helps with that feeling of familiarity, and in fact, there is a particular need for placements for teenagers and siblings. Given time, warmth and support, these children and young people can develop and reach their fullest potential. Like all children, they need to be part of a family where they are nurtured and feel safe.
Cornwall Council’s fostering service offers amazing support for all foster carers 24/7, 365 days a year. The Central Support Team includes health specialists, youth workers and educational psychology professionals, and there’s always a member of the team available for you to talk to or to provide help, should it be needed. If you could offer a child, teenager or siblings a home, we know the team would love to hear from you.
01872 323638