Conscious convenience
With the latest smart technology, Wendron Stoves are making it easier than ever to be in control with an eco-conscious mindset this winter.
As a technically savvy company, Wendron Stoves lead the way in Cornwall when it comes to providing the most advanced and efficient products on the market. They serve as a paradigm when it comes to addressing people’s expectations and concerns, as our environmental consciousness lifts to another level and we wonder how we can continue to live the life we desire, whilst addressing the issues of the age. It’s a tricky conundrum that many shy away from but, as with all things, these questions have to be faced and solutions found.
As we’ve come to expect, Wendron Stoves’ belief in giving their customers what they want against an everchanging backdrop has resulted in some innovative solutions over the years. From sourcing wood-pellet-burning stoves to ensuring that all their installation engineers are HETAS qualified, they are not slow to meet the challenge. That’s why you’ll find stoves in their range that now incorporate smart technology in the form of electronic control systems. It’s almost an oxymoron, but the application of complex controls that were once the preserve of electric and oil-fired heating are now available for the humble wood burner too. It translates into the ability to address several issues circulating around at the moment, via pieces of kit that we’re all familiar with – our mobile phone or tablet.
The benefits are manifold – by exercising control over ‘the burn’, an electronic control system can help you achieve the cleanest possible combustion, thus helping to mitigate the impact on the environment. When your wood-burning stove achieves clean combustion, you are actually getting the most from your wood. You can set the desired room temperature on your smartphone, thereby minimising overheating. When your wood-burning stove is not in use, the air supply is automatically closed, preventing the hot air in the room being lost in the chimney. You can also light the fire as usual – without having to control the air supply yourself as the system does it for you. Then, once it’s up and running, if you want to change the room temperature, you simply adjust it via your smartphone. And finally, when it’s time to restoke, you’ll receive a notification, in a similar way that other Apps communicate to your device.
At the moment the market is being led by HWAM, from the small Danish town of Hørning. “HWAM® SmartControl™ allows you, for the first time ever, to regulate the temperature level in rooms heated with a wood-burning stove directly with a phone or tablet. In this way, a wood-burning stove is practically put on an equal footing as a heater, where it is super easy to regulate temperature in the room. This is a notable step ahead compared to all existing remote-control systems, where you just follow combustion and need to go all the way to the stove to try to regulate the heat,” says Stefan Hvam Pedersen, Chief Executive Officer of HWAM. He continues, “The new technology gives the user a fantastic level of comfort as it does not allow the room to get too cold or too hot – not even if you are engrossed in a good book or an exciting football game! At the same time, you can take delight in the documented certainty that you light the stove in the most eco-friendly way possible. The method makes it possible for you to save up to 50 percent of your firewood, simply because you take better advantage of it. This brings an additional benefit – cleaner air in both your house and your neighbourhood.”
HWAM have been supplying Wendron Stoves for several years, so you can rest assured that their strong trading partnership will mean you receive the best possible product and after-market service available. It will also mean that you don’t have to constantly worry about turning up and down the thermostat in your home or keep getting up and down to put the next log on the stove!