Fresh and flavoursome
This delicious squash recipe is a comforting autumnal classic, one you should certainly try as the temperatures start to drop.
Steve and Lynn Allen of Riverford Home Delivery deliver fresh organic produce to homes throughout Cornwall. They tell us: “We believe there’s nothing better than good home cooking made using fresh, organic ingredients.” Every order is delivered with seasonal recipe suggestions and the Riverford website offers a large section of recipes to help get the most out of a veg box.
It’s a fantastic child pleaser for Halloween and has endless variations with different garnishes, for instance, some fried shitake or chestnut mushrooms would really up this dishís earthy, autumnal feel.
Serves 4
4 small squash
(onion squash is ideal)
300g Ogleshield cheese (or a good melting cheese such as cheddar), grated
100g Parmesan (or vegetarian equivalent), grated
40g butter
A few gratings of nutmeg
4 small thyme sprigs
800ml double cream
Salt and black pepper
- Heat the oven to 190°C/Gas 5. Slice the tops off the squash and scoop out the seeds and pulp, then place the squash bowls, cut-side up on a baking tray (reserve the lids).
- Divide the cheese and butter between the squash and add a grating of nutmeg and a small sprig of thyme to each, then pour in the cream to two thirds of the way up each squash bowl.
- Season with generous amounts of black pepper and a cautious amount of salt – bear in mind the saltiness of the cheeses.
- Put the lids on, place on a baking tray and bake for between 45 minutes and an hour, depending on the size of your squash,
until tender. - Once cooked (the flesh should give to the tip of the knife) eat by scraping the soft flesh into the hot cream.
- A variation on this is serving it in a large single squash, such as a Crown Prince. Treat it like a large fondue pot, dipping in toast soldiers or leftover roast potatoes. You will need to up the cooking time – this will take at least an hour, and it’s worth reducing the oven temperature to 180°C/Gas 4 and/or wrapping the squash loosely with foil so that outside doesn’t brown too much before it cooks through.