Cornwall LivingIssue #104

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Going green

Whether it’s drive from homeowners or because of government financial support, the UK has never been more focused on cutting carbon emissions.

It was announced in November that the Green Homes Grant scheme will be extended. This means that homeowners now have until March 2022 to claim up to £5,000 towards the cost of installing a renewable heating solution.

Since opening in 2011, Cornwall’s GreenGenUK has been at the forefront of helping homes lower both their carbon footprint and their energy bills. We catch up with GreenGen’s Neil Rollinson, to find out exactly how Cornish homes can benefit from the current support schemes, and how this stellar Cornish firm can help.

“The extension of the Green Homes Grant is great news for Cornish homeowners,” explains Neil, “as they’ll now have an extra 12 months to claim £5,000 off the upfront costs of a renewable heating upgrade!”

Until now, he continues: “Oil and LPG systems have been the primary heating options for a lot of homes in Cornwall, but even mains gas isn’t particularly environmentally friendly.” Fortunately, the Green Homes Grant has made air source heating a financially viable alternative for anybody wanting to upgrade their heating. Air source is a whole-house renewable heating solution, supplying a home’s heating and hot water, and is a direct renewable replacement for a gas or oil boiler.

What’s more, customers can still claim money back on their renewable installation retrospectively through the RHI (Renewable Heat Incentive). This means that homes can now claim up to £5,000 towards the upfront costs of a heat pump and still benefit from further subsidy over a 7-year period.

“Effectively,” says Neil, “homeowners can end up with a cost-neutral heating system that will significantly reduce their property’s carbon footprint – as much as several tonnes per year. The Green Homes Grant helps with the upfront costs and the RHI covers much of the remaining costs over time.”

Cornwall’s homes are set for a green future thanks to the Green Homes Grant and Renewable Heat Incentive schemes.

You can achieve all of this with the help of Neil and the experts at GreenGenUK, who offer complete design and bespoke installation of a range of renewable solutions, such as air source and ground source heat pumps, solar PV and battery storage, solar thermal and more. Based in Helston, with nearly a decade’s experience in the renewable industry, if you’re considering renewables here in Cornwall, we highly recommend giving the GreenGen team a call!



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