Inspiring Curiosity
Visitor centres, run by SUEZ on behalf of Cornwall Council, are providing valuable education to the local community on waste, recycling and the environment.
Working in partnership with Cornwall Council and local non-governmental organisations SUEZ brings an innovative solution to the management of Cornwall’s waste and recycling. With a company ethos that puts the education of young people around waste, sustainability and marine conservation at the fore, SUEZ supports local communities to do the same; whether that’s providing litter pickers, presenting at local association meetings, visiting schools to deliver assemblies or helping local businesses on their own sustainability journey.
A primary concern for SUEZ, is to foster an interest in the environment and promote green skills, encouraging children to join industries such as their own and play their part in working towards a world where there is no more waste. Testament to this are their visitor centres which offer free educational visits, alongside some financial assistance to schools towards the cost of travelling to them.
Cornwall’s Energy Recover Centre in St Dennis offers active sessions which engage pupils of all abilities as they investigate sustainability, energy and resource management topics, including a behind the scenes tour that enables pupils to witness parts of the facility in action. Pupils are invited to take part in an exciting team challenge which links to key stage three and GCSE elements of contemporary geographic knowledge, with an introduction to the four Rs – reduce, resuse, recycle and recover aimed at key stage
two pupils.
At the Bodmin Visitor Centre, adjacent to the materials recycling facility, children can take part in arts and crafts using recycled materials, watch educational videos and play recycling games as well as being able to see the materials recycling facility in action, from the safe vantage point of the viewing platform. With both sites able to accommodate school groups of up to 30 pupils at a time, these centres are an invaluable source of education and inspiration to the children and communities of Cornwall.
01726 828230