Keeping Cornwall wild
Cornwall Wildlife Trust is working to protect Cornwall’s wild landscape for the future.
With its beautiful coastline and enchanting wild landscapes, it’s no wonder that many fall in love with Cornwall, whether visiting or lucky enough to call Cornwall home. What many don’t know is that nature in Cornwall is in serious trouble.
The State of Nature Cornwall Report drew concerning conclusions: “Over the last 30 years, nearly half of terrestrial mammals and three-fifths of butterflies are found in fewer places. Almost half of breeding birds have declined. Whilst a few species have prospered, an ecological emergency is unfolding.”
Each day, Cornwall Wildlife Trust’s team of dedicated volunteers and staff are working to ensure that nature thrives in Cornwall once again. Managing over 50 nature reserves, the charity works with organisations, farmers and landowners to protect wildlife sites and inspire local communities and young people.
For those who hold nature in their hearts, there are a variety of ways to help, one of which being the incredibly kind decision to remember Cornwall Wildlife Trust in your Will. Over the last five years, gifts left in Wills have accounted for more than a fifth of the charity’s income, with these legacies making it possible to purchase more land for nature, protect endangered species and tackle climate change.
“Having worked for Cornwall Wildlife Trust for over twenty years, it has been amazing to see the impact of gifts left to us in Wills,” says Head of Nature Reserves, Callum Deveney. “I have been privileged to work alongside families to ensure their loved one’s wishes are carried out. There’s a real sense that they have left behind something truly remarkable that will live on, and often a special connection develops with a particular place, which can be visited by families in the years to come.”
You can request a ‘Gifts in Wills’ brochure and make a Will for free with Cornwall Wildlife Trust at