Looking for a change?
Choosing a career in care is a lifestyle choice for many who enjoy a fulfilling career, but feel ready for change.
We hear from Bluebird Care carer Emma, who enjoyed her time in hospitality but now says: “Working in care has been the best decision and career move I ever made. Every day is different, every day is rewarding and every day I smile, seeing my client’s smile.”
People need care for different reasons, and being trained and able to provide that care is extremely rewarding. Supporting someone to take their first steps after a stroke, hearing a client’s story about their life, taking them shopping and stopping for coffee as their companion; helping them get dressed into their special outfit that they’ve chosen for seeing their family that day, making their favourite meal and having time to enjoy it with them, taking them to the beach and feeling the sand on their toes, or helping them exercise so that they can show their family that they are becoming more able – these are just some of the things that make care an incredible career.
“I think that care work is sometimes stereotyped in negative ways, and we need to come away from this because it is the most gratifying feeling being able to care and support someone so they can stay living in their own home,” says Emma. Statistics show that those who consciously help others are happier and healthier than those who don’t, but Emma is also realistic and knows the life of a carer isn’t always easy. “Care does come with early mornings, late nights, working in all weathers, doing your fair share of shifts at Christmas – plus seeing people recovering or dealing with illness and disabilities can sometimes be heart-wrenching. But knowing you are there to help alongside others that are just as passionate about care makes it all worthwhile.”
Bluebird Care welcomes newcomers to join the caring profession and believes people with experience in other areas often make the best carers, bringing their knowledge and understanding to the fore. However, Bluebird Care is also happy to provide the full training required to give you the knowledge and confidence needed to work in care.
01872 276006