New year, new you
Make 2024 the year you rid yourself of the obstacles that held you back.
The switch from one year to the next always brings such hope and promise. There’s a fresh energy that comes with new beginnings – the power of good intentions and visualising the best version of yourself. However, actually starting that journey is the first step to helping your goals become a reality. As you embark on that new year expedition, Ultracardiac can help you make the best possible start.
Maybe you are plagued by a constant health niggle or inexplicable concern that you just want to get sorted, or you are going to start a new exercise regime but you need to check that your heart is as up for it as you are. Perhaps you have just had enough of waiting to resolve your overall wellbeing and you feel the need to gain more control of your healthcare outcomes.
Ultracardiac could be the key to unlocking a year full of adventure and freedom as we head into 2024. Since the success of launching its private services in Cornwall earlier this year, Ultracardiac is excited to be able to offer even more cardiac diagnostic solutions to its patients. Along with the echocardiograms (ultrasound scans of the heart looking at the structure and pumping action) and ECGs (electrocardiograms looking at electrics and rhythm), Ultracardiac is now able to provide Holter Monitoring (continuous ECG over an extended time frame from 24 hours up to seven days).
As trusted partners of the local NHS hospitals trusts and GP networks, Ultracardiac already has the mechanisms in place to share your results and help find a diagnosis. Alternatively, make use of its own consultant cardiologist to interpret your results and have a resolution to your concerns within only a few hours. The friendly team are also able to work with your private medical insurance company and are on hand to provide information on how they can do this. Let Ultracardiac assist you in making 2024 the year of strength, empowerment, goals and achievements by finding the solution to your healthcare concerns.
The Hub, Trevissome Park, Blackwater, Truro TR4 8UN
01752 875665