Cornwall LivingIssue #79

The smile you deserve

We speak to Jeremy Peak of River Practice, who explains why your smile is worth a thousand words.

Now, we know it’s supposed to be a ‘picture’ that’s worth a thousand words, but when you think about it, your smile is similar in many ways. People take pleasure from a great piece art, and while they may interpret it in different ways, it generally stimulates positive emotions.

being confident in your smile can be easier said than done, so what can you do to improve yours?”

Your smile, according to the team at River Practice, is your ‘shop window’ and there is over 50 years’ worth of research showing that people with attractive smiles are perceived as more friendly, trustworthy and confident, and so often find it easier to ‘get on’ in life.

However, being confident in your smile can be easier said than done, so what can you do to improve yours? Modern dentistry means that there are more options than ever before – orthodontics, implants, veneers, to name but a few – and even within orthodontics alone, there are more options including Invisalign treatment, Incognito, 6 Month Smiles, the list goes on.

The astounding fact, Jeremy Peak of River Practice tells us, is that many dentists have received no more than a day or two’s training in some of the more complex aspects of the field. Worse still, this training is often delivered by a company with a vested interest in promoting only its product. The dentist is only held accountable if it goes wrong and the patient is prepared to complain to the General Dental Council  – the official body that regulates UK dentistry.

So how to ensure that you only place your smile in the hands of someone that you can trust? Jeremy offers some pointers:

“Check the qualifications of the dentist you’re considering – the General Dental Council website ( allows you to check the qualifications and status of every dentist in the UK. Look out for those that are specialists (especially if seeking orthodontic treatment) or at least have a relevant master’s degree (MSc or MScD).”

He also recommends asking about their experience and training and why they think that they can offer you treatment of the same standard and value as a specialist would. “If they have unbeatable expertise, they will only be too glad to tell you!”

“Also, are they able to offer you a full range of treatments? Full braces as well as limited or hidden ones, for example.”

“It’s always worth looking for reviews online, but be suspicious of very non-specific comments – some practices buy reviews from 3rd party sites!”

If you’re still unsure, Jeremy finishes, “seek a second opinion from a specialist practice such as us here at The River Practice. You can seek a second opinion directly, or through your dentist.”

"being confident in your smile can be easier said than done, so what can you do to improve yours?"