Breaking new ground
Oltco unveils a new, sustainable solution for clients around the UK.
Oltco, the UK’s leading sustainable resin bound driveway company, has already cemented a name for its innovative approach to tackling the growing issue of plastic pollution. Launched in 2019, Oltco’s innovative product, Recycle Bound, is made using plastic waste already in circulation, and since its launch,
has already recycled the equivalent of over
120 million plastic straws in installations across the UK.
This is certainly impressive, but Oltco Directors Tom Stringer and Johnny Pearce, who are all too aware of the detrimental impact that waste is having on the environment local to their headquarters in Newquay, always knew that there was more to be done. With this in mind, they’re pleased to add another new sustainable product to their offering: Recycle Base – a ground reinforcement system made utilising stone and low-grade ocean plastic.
Oltco has found that the size of the average installation is 70m². By using Recycle Base, this would utilise the equivalent of a tonne of waste ocean plastic, or approximately 175 million plastic straws! In most cases, this waste plastic would have been incinerated, producing over a tonne of carbon dioxide, which means that by utilising this product, customers will be carbon offsetting, planting the equivalent of six trees.
“Recycle Bound has been hugely successful and has had a really positive impact on the environment and we’re really excited to replicate this with Recycle Base,” says Tom. “Recycle Base works perfectly with both our resin bound and Recycle Bound solutions, and I’m really proud that we can now also offer our customers a sustainable base solution.”
Johnny explains a little more about the product and its environment value: “Typically, the low-grade ocean plastic is incinerated as it is no longer of use. We wanted to use this plastic and give it a new purpose, and by doing this, prevent the release of more C02 emissions. Recycle Base also has the added benefit that after its useful life, it can be broken up and used to create a new ground reinforcement system. It was really important to us that we created a product that could continue to be reused.”
Even the grid used in the base product is made using 100% recycled plastic, and has a load-bearing capability of up to 800 tonnes per square metre. Fully permeable and recyclable at the end of its life, this really is an innovative product, one that’s testament to Oltco’s commitment to a greener, more sustainable future.
Oltco Ltd
01637 839000