Caring for Cornwall
Cornwall Hospice Care opens more beds for terminally ill patients across Cornwall.
As the only adult hospice charity in the county, the team at Cornwall Hospice Care know that there are many more families who would benefit from their special care. In the last year they have been investing in their staff and facilities with the aim being to open more beds.
“I’m delighted with our progress and pleased to announce that we have opened four more beds this year alone”
Gina Starnes, Director of Clinical Services for the Charity says: “I’m delighted with our progress and pleased to announce that we have opened four more beds this year alone, meaning we now provide nine beds at each hospice – that’s 18 in total for Cornwall with more planned later in this financial year. This directly affects how many people we can care for and we are so grateful for the continued support of the people of Cornwall, as without it we couldn’t open these extra beds.”
More beds is fantastic news for families in Cornwall who have a loved one with a terminal illness. However, having more beds open also means the charity needs to increase their nursing capacity to ensure they continue to offer their patients the high level of care they need. Nurses are a key part of the care delivered; they are there for their patients 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and they are a very special team. Not only are they highly skilled, but they extend their kindness, compassion and personal touch to whole families, helping everyone spend precious time with their loved ones in peace and dignity.
“I worked as a nurse for over 30 years and have had the privilege of spending much of this time in palliative care,” continues Gina, “helping patients, their carers and their families at what is a difficult and highly emotional time. I have seen first hand the difference that hospices make, giving patients and their families the peace, dignity and specialised care they need.”
Legacies remain vital to the charity and last year provided 32.5% of their care costs. October will see the charity deliver its first Make A Will Month: a dedicated month to have your Will written and the fee donated to the charity.
To find out more about Make A Will Month, to donate to the Cornwall Hospice Care nursing team who are supporting the new beds, or to obtain a copy of the charity’s newly published Impact Report, be sure to get in touch.
01726 66868
"I’m delighted with our progress and pleased to announce that we have opened four more beds this year alone"