A warm welcome
Introducing Cornwall Hospice Care’s new Neighbourhood Hubs.
We catch up with Dawn Tame-Battell, Director of Patient Services at Cornwall Hospice Care, who tells us: “Times are changing and patients are now demanding better services nearer to home and greater opportunities to stay where they call home throughout their illness and to their death.”
“It’s about providing the right care at the right time and in the right place.”
It’s for this reason that the Cornish charity has recently opened its first two Neighbourhood Hubs in Penzance and Wadebridge. “Our hospices will be here providing the intensive care beds that some of our patients need, but we also need to take support and information to people we’re not reaching at present,” says Dawn. “It’s about providing the right care at the right time and in the right place. We want to help people earlier in their disease or illness so we’re not just here at the very end, but we’re supporting them so they can live as well as possible for as long as possible. We hope through the Hubs to reach a further 1,000 people a year.”
The Hubs are based in community settings – Clarence House in Penzance and the John Betjeman Centre in Wadebridge, every Thursday from 1.30pm to 4.30pm. They’re one-stop shops where people can book an appointment to see a range of experts including physiotherapists, occupational and complementary therapists, Lymphoedema therapists and specialist nurses. They’re informal too, with tea and coffee and a chance to chat.
Treatments include management of breathlessness, pain, fatigue, reduced mobility, anxiety and emotional and spiritual issues. Michelle Earle is the charity’s Therapy Manager. “We aim to build confidence, helping people to live as well as possible,” explains Michelle. “We want to provide them with a chance to come and talk and ask questions, to have both their physical and emotional issues addressed, including discussing ‘advanced care planning’ where they can detail how they want to be treated and cared for
going forward.”
GPs are referring people to the Hubs, but patients and carers can also self-refer as Dawn explains. “Come along to one of the Neighbourhood Hubs and see what they’re about. We can then liaise with your GP to ensure we are offering what’s suitable to you.”
The Neighbourhood Hubs, like all of the services provided to terminally ill patients by Cornwall Hospice Care, are free and funded thanks to the support of the people of Cornwall and those who have left the charity legacies in their Wills.
"It's about providing the right care at the right time and in the right place."